
There is something about the North that has absolutely stolen my heart. Maybe it's the fact that the skies are bluer here. Maybe it's the fact that the sun is out all the time. Maybe it's all the fun adventures I have been going on. 
Well- whatever it is about North BC that makes it magical- I love it. 
This has been my reading break so far.

So there you go. A beautiful and fun week so far!
I have been able to do some good resting. Which is what I really needed after the last month of my life. A lot of things that require much space and time to process. 
I am so thankful for Darrah right now. She has provided me with such a great reading break. I'll never forget it. 
I guess I also failed on the daily blog front. To be honest- I was resting. I still kind of am, but I have lots of papers and reading to attend to. 
And I figured I'd at least update my blog. 

Any other students gone away for reading week? What have you done? :)