I am currently...
    Loving:  Red Velvet Cake tea by David's tea. So delicious. I even bought a tea ball to steep my tea in. Collection of tea, begin!
    Watching: I have just finished a Community marathon. So hilarious. I greatly enjoy this TV show and I hope it continues on. 
    Listening:  To...country music. Errr...don't judge. It's a new like. Shhh.
    Wishing: That the rain would let up, for one day. Just ONE day. 
    Reading: "Dancing with Porcupines- Learning to Appreciate the Finer Points of Others" by Bob Phillips. Very good so far. 
    Looking Forward To: Going home for Easter long weekend. Seeing my family whom I miss a lot. And Getting to meet my twin's girlfriend. And for them to meet Atticus! :D (Maybe I'll explain more, maybe not.)
    Instagram-ing: Random moments of life. This morning was tea. 
    Wanting: My room to magically clean its-self. Disaster zone warning. Too much going on to have time. 
Okay, so that's kind of a glimpse at life right now. For those of you who read this but don't know, I am dating a boy. He's a great guy. We're trying to take things slow. Although that seems to never happen in relationships. Ever. At least in my experience- and perhaps that has something to do with the fact that I approach life at a very fast pace. 
If you asked me if I felt ready to be in another relationship, I would say honestly sometimes I am not too certain. But...I have given up on certainty. 
Does that sound bad?
I can't know anything for certain. I'm just trusting God. Trusting that if my actions line up with what I know God wants for me, then it's good. 
Perhaps this choice flows out of how the rest of my life is going- future feels uncertain and what not. 
All I know is that I have come to really appreciate how Atticus has helped me to feel more certain about one thing. God is good and life is beautiful. 

For a while I was very concerned what others might think of me for being with him. But then a friend of mine asked me why I cared so much what other people thought. And it made me re-evaluate how much I let others' opinions sway me. Not that I'd ignore them or disregard good advice- but that I'd stick to my own convictions and act for myself. 

Just learning left, right and centre over here. 

On one last side note- I suck at blogging regularly. But I have decided that's okay. I don't live life on a schedule. I do use it to help me get through things and schooling and when I need it to be organized. But sometimes I desire spontaneity way more. 

So, until the next spontaneous moment...happy Thursday :) 
Time to clean my room. 

3/14/2013 05:53:28 am

I love that you're reading that book. The authors stayed with us when you were in kindergarten. That book was really beneficial to us, especially for our marriage, and understanding our parents! Counting the days till you're home....

3/14/2013 09:31:46 am

We need to have a conversation like yesterday!!!

3/14/2013 03:23:28 pm

Thanks for blogging, Bella Bella. Thank you for your prayers. So much to tell you when you next visit.


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