This is an idea I saw on the blog Michaela Noelle Designs
Thought it was cute and then decided to do some of my own!

- The blue knitting, is a hat I am making for one of my best friends. It's a tricky yarn to work with because it's thinner than I am used to, but the colour is perfect for her. I am following a pattern from those little "Red Heart" books found at Walmart

-The big text book is my attempt to prepare for my music theory exam next week. Uuhg. This is not my strongest subject this semester. 

-I have been really enjoying reading The Three Musketeers. It's slow going because I haven't a lot of reading time.

- Fuzzy Peaches! Those are the last of the huge tub my roommates and I have been chomping on all week. And the tea, I am so sad is gone. It actually relaxes me. Which is so lovely when you're studying stressful music theory. Thanks, Silver <3 

- The Bible verse is from this little box of Bible verses. I pull one out every couple of days and stick it on my desk. "You will call and I will answer you." Job 14:15 NIV

- And I have been listening to Ellie Goulding's album Bright Lights. Favourite tracks?
This Love (Will Be Your Downfall)
Your Biggest Mistake 
I'll Hold My Breath
Your Song (Which is a cover)

And that's it! That is what is on my desk right now. Happy Sunday 


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