My Saturday was almost completely consumed by making felt board stories. You think it would be lots of fun. And it is. For the first two hours. By the fifth hour, all energy and will power to continue is drained. 
Remind me, if I ever make these again, to never leave them to the weekend before. Bad planning on my part. Usually I break the work down- but I thought that it would be easy. WRONG. 
I guess this blog post is a "I have so much to do, how can I feel good about procrastinating" post. 
So I have nothing interesting or insightful to share. 
Just a hello and a here is what I'm doing. 

I watched Pocahontas for a study break. It was the best! I love that movie. The raccoon is pretty much the best part of the whole thing. His little faces get me every time.

What's your favourite Disney movie? 
3/18/2013 01:46:02 pm



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