So the other day I had a little "ohmygoshIhavesomuchtodoandnotimeandthereissomuchgoingon" melt down. And when that happens, I often just get super grumpy and upset. And I get all like "WHY AM I SO ANGRY." So then eventually I decide to plug in the earphones and shut out the thoughts and create. 
I put my feelings on a piece of paper. 
Out of my heart, and onto a tree. 
It's sometimes really amazing what I realize after I "do art". What I find inside my thoughts. And last night I found myself feeling very overwhelmed. I don't normally like to share these pieces from my art journals, but this one I think I shall. 

The bags represent everything I worry about and have to do. The black is obviously "not good-ness" and the green thing is an umbrella. The umbrella is both a good thing and a bad thing. It protects the girl from the rain, but it's also yet another thing she has to juggle. 
I have a green umbrella. So maybe that's why I picked green. But I am beginning to wonder if green doesn't stand for something different. 
In any case, through drawing, I have come to realize that aside from the regular stress of life and school....
Something isn't at peace within me. 

So that's my art journal. Given to me by my pen pal. I love it, a lot.
I also have a writing journal. Where I record thoughts and quotes and prayers and Bible verses. 
I also have another journal, which I made. I will post on this soon. 

For now, that's enough. 

3/22/2013 01:25:24 pm

BELLA!! I am so impressed, that is really good, so many talents.


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